
Sunday, 23 October 2011

MATAKITE MAORI - Prophets, Seers & Psychics

Just over three months ago the Wairua (Spirit) moved me to open a Group on Facebook called Matakite Maori - Seers, Prophets and Psychics. Hesitant about adding the first few friends, in just two and half days we hit 1000 adds - it was like a runaway freight train! 

The group is open to anyone who has an interest in Maori Spirituality. It is also open to anyone who has Maori whakapapa (ancestry), whether they know anything or not about their indigenous spiritual heritage. Spirituality and psychic abilities is something we all have to a greater or lesser degree, but it is present naturally to a pronounced degree for most Maori. An 'awakening' of the gifts can happen with terrifying swiftness and force. If the mind isn't prepared for it, it can break - unless there are other people available to guide the newly awakened into acceptance and discipline of their gifts.

It was no surprise at all that the majority of members had been living with their gifts hidden from their families and friends, workmates, and our wider westernised society, on average about 20 years from the time of their first conscious awareness that there was something 'different' about them. Where once it was an utterly proud heritage to be called 'Matakite', or 'Tohunga', where one was set apart as Tapu (sacred) and special, thanks to colonisation and the Tohunga Suppression Act, the Art and the Schools were driven deeply underground. Worse than that, Maori spirituality became demonised, as did the language and the history that our Sages had preserved from time immemorial.

The knowledge also appeared to have been lost - yet the wairua (spirit) is not a product of the hinengaro (mind). The wisdom of the spirit transcends time and space, and is a direct gift of our Tipuna (Ancestors), and IO - the Source. To reconnect that which was 'lost', some of us were called to wake up by Atua (beings in Spirit). Others sought to find the Source through western awareness - some through Church, some through New Age awareness and the adoption of other Indigenous cultures spirituality - and it appeared that never the twain should meet! Te Wairua Tapu (the Holy Spirit) apparently had other ideas - hence the birth of the Matakite Maori Groups. For a start, no one group, or nation, or culture, or religion holds 'The Truth, and nothing but The Truth'.

To this day we have those who consider all Tohunga to be Witch Doctors and Black Magicians, and all Matakite either demon possessed or mentally ill. Sadly far too many of our people also believe this of themselves - 'cultural hegemony' and 'cognitive dissonance' are a couple of phrases that can be used to describe what we suffer today, as we struggle to fight or stifle the rising awareness of our genetic heritage. For our whole planet, this is the time of Awakening - and Maori no less than other peoples and Nations.

Of course, one thing that many of our people are anxious about is the forces of Neo-colonisation. Our Visual Artists have already strongly reclaimed our native artforms, which sure beats the plastic tiki and souvenir brown dollies. Spirituality isn't like a cup of instant coffee and a weekend workshop to become a Tohunga! So one can hardly blame Maori for being anxious that our greatest Taonga (treasure) should be cheapened
by fakery and monetisation, or that the pearls of wisdom that we share freely should be treated as a commodity to enrich those who are already 'rich' as the world counts wealth.

Yet at this time it is increasingly obvious that we must learn to grow treasures of the heart, and richness of spirit - and that furthermore, we must share it. We cannot hold on to Wairua. At the simplest level Wairua translates as two waters, and can be symbolised with the two kinds of water on this planet - fresh, and salt. Try hanging onto a handful of that! The problem is actually with our perceptions - our Hinengaro (Mind and Emotions), as we struggle to make sense of our perceptions and 'supernatural' gifts, and to place it in the context of our daily lives.

Matakite Maori - Prophets, Seers & Psychics is a first landing and resting place for those who have been on their spiritual journey alone and lonely for far too long. Here's the link, if you would like to join this Group, or any of the other Groups that have grown from this parent vine: - please copy and paste to your search bar if this link doesn't work first time!


  1. Tumeke read.

    Paranihia Potini

  2. I believe that its not easy to talk openly about matakite unless you feel it will help others like myself. Im 50 this year. but I dont feel that way. I still feel like a child and still learning guiding and forseeing what needs to be told. The past present and future are all part of each other. There are some things to be told and some not. Love is the key. The Holy Light we follow. Being thankful everyday is a Blessing. To ask for forgiveness sincerely is given a mracle. Amen

  3. Ka nui te mihi ki a koutou matakite e ohomatakamokamo me pehea. Tautokotia, katoatia nga korerorero ki mua i ahau puta atu i a Ranginui raua ko Papatuanuku. Nareira, ka tu pou te rae ki a koe ki a tatou hoki.

    Your testimony and awakening accounts as Seers are inspirational. I too, have travelled in secret with a gift that flows through Papatuanuku and Ranginui. Therefore, to you and everyone, congratulations and salutations.

  4. I am a white woman who feels an immense spiritual connection with NZ and in particular Maoris and coastal aspects of the North Island.
    I, for one, cannot explain this.

  5. There are many dimensions in the realm of Maori.. The awakening of our people is happening I am experiencing it. We are becoming more open in the spiritual korero. Our matakite in the Atua realm are getting messages. Sharing our knowledge as one people together. Fixing the void connecting us all to Rangi is where we should start. Great minds think alike.. When we share this knowledge with our indigenous whanau all around the world we will start the migration together. If kindness is sown, then kindness you shall recieve. Forseeing the greatness of one may bring peace to the world. Amene

  6. Hello. I am Maori and have created a site to encourage this awakening. Mana to you for standing for this. see Kirsten Eve. From Te Atiawa....

  7. Oh..on Facebook I am looking to create a reunion of the Seers .... see BE Energy Seer Wairua

  8. Derek Webber Living in Northland
    By heritage I am welsh. My father was a trance medium and I have been healing for over 50 years. I am recently had the please of seeing a Maori Kwia healing a patient.
    In a respectful way I would like to learn more. Do you know of any reputable Maori healing courses being held in the upper North Island.
    Keen to learn more.
    best wishes

  9. Derek Webber Living in Northland
    By heritage I am welsh. My father was a trance medium and I have been healing for over 50 years. I am recently had the pleasure of seeing a Maori Kwia healing a patient.
    In a respectful way I would like to learn more. Do you know of any reputable Maori healing courses being held in the upper North Island.
    Keen to learn more.
    best wishes

  10. Hi, are there any tohunga ahurangi or tohunga kōkōrangi in the Taranaki area to help my family an I get a better understanding of what is happening between us.
    If you could kindly get back to us I would most appreciate an email.

  11. Does anyone know anything about the healings that happened in kawhia where 100's of people were healed back in the 1890's to 1907?

    1. Does anyone know anything about the supernatural healings that happened in kawhia in the 1890's? Or 1900s? I have found the monument where it took place.but I can't find any written history
      About it.

  12. Im a dreamer and I believe I could be going through an awakening which some what is making me a little weak in the mind. I have been a dreamer for some time now. I have never found anyone to help me understand my potential and is needing some help. So if anyone can help me with some guidence id grateful please. Thank you.

    1. Ask the Giver of dreams...the One True God. All you have to do is KNOCK and the door will be opened to you, Seek and you will find, ASK and it will be given to you. Open up to HOLY SPIRIT for He is your TEACHER who will LEAD you and GUIDE you into all truth. He is the answer you have been looking for.
      Blessings flow to you bro.

    2. Enquiring as how you are today?

  13. My name is Te mihinga smith. Im in need of a tohunga etc to help me with my partner urgently :( please someone contact me on facebook Te M Smith

    1. What is it that you need help with,?

  14. Needing help with a person I email is is really urgent

  15. What does it mean to sleep talk and it comes true the next day? Or to be looking through someones eyes who has passed but I don't know the location of their wea abouts just what I can see through their eyes and I have no connection to that person what so ever? And also to have shadow silhouette type people surrounding me when I'm just relaxing?

  16. Kia ora, is there anybody out there is familiar with makutu,if there is, could you get back to me please as I would like some information regarding my self and if you could help it would be deeply appreciated,cheers.

  17. Hi there,
    I have a few gifts, that I am still in the process of understanding..
    Get msgs from those passed.
    Prophetic visions
    Clairvoyance, clairsentiance, claircognizance,
    Lots of bad also beautiful experiences, but struggle to know where to turn to for advise sometimes. I am over the moon to have found this page! (:

    Just wondering if you guys do one on one coaching.
    I have been asked by my Spirit guides and those passed still connected to land i live on, that they have all chosen ME to bless the property? but i am inexperienced in this area and feel only right to consult a tohunga to help me through this. Can you help at all please, would love to hear back from you cheers

  18. Twin Flame and Soul Mate connections are becoming more widespread. Love psychic nz


  20. So lovely to see that you are bringing this information up. I have travelled and worked in NZ as a psychic for many years and am exited to see people embracing their gifts.

  21. I dont understand my gifts i have a muiltible family line is strong at having so confused i dream..i see through people...i know whats going to happen by feeling it,chain of events,and im allways right,and i dont know how to say this but i think i can hear passed ones talking to me...but they dont talk its like they are but they aint because i feel there voices and feel what they are saying..but i dont know where half the time its wairua or my delusional mind...i need help understanding..its lonely im young 27 my brother who is 18 his gifts is seeing people we cant see hes trying to block it....its realy fustrating...but i have a feeling a strange feeling some one on here has been waiting for me to ask for help on here??? Who ever you are...please get intouch with me either on my email

  22. My question is,

    What are the signs of being matakite/tohunga?? I've always felt i don't belong in the country i am currently in & need to go home to touch my own soil.. Kind of like a calling. I have no guidance as to what it is i am meant to so I've been ignoring this feeling... Any info would definitely be great ��

  23. I man a stand at the Manurewa Market every sunday under the banner of Safemansafefamily and involved with running men's support group from there also, starts at 10am. Three weeks earlier a wahine from Kaitaia stopped at the stand spoke to me about her son aged 33yrs, on drugs, goes out to parties for few days come home they argue then he goes to his room for 1-3 days. She spoke to a tohunga who told' her son is MATAKITE. I asked if he is essentially a nice boy? she said yes' his friends love him. I asked does he contradict himself as well? Yes!!... some thoughts on the quite...Matakite like to socialize but they also drop out of socialize as well(two state of existence) because emotionally they have a stronger & deeper connection (state of presence in wairua) to people much much greater than most. The hinengaro never been taught how to work with Ranginui-universe (naive & chaos) so they start the ara of good, bad & the ugly or ihi wehi wana.... to be continued

  24. Kia ora,
    I have so much things I have experienced, in wouldn't habe a clue where to start. So I will start with this, do you believe that spirits have different versions of themselves? Or if they can speak through people or animals? I have an experience through birds especially that is way too hard to not believe.

    My first experience I went through, I had some trouble and was guided and helped by a spirit through a bird. They followed me to a rest home where I recovered and helped strengthen me. Everytime I doubted it, it showed me new ways to prove it was in fact, there.
    I have had experiences visiting family or friends where I can hear their passed family members, and have returned from funerals to hear the birds (spirits).
    2 of whom I spoke to passed from cancer was wondering if that was anyhow connected.

    I really hope who ever reads this doesn't think I am crazy because there are birds that are just birds lol. But on a rare occasion or after something has happened (funeral, birthday etc..) they pop in for a visit.

    Thanks for readinh, would love to connect to someone who understands or could shed some light on this.

    Nga mihi x

    1. Nga mihi anaonymous 21 April 2020.2nd reply The tohunga know there are forces in the air we can't see, such as manakitanga, kaitiakitanga, ukaipo etc etc. If I measure this against other sources (science) we would be talking about Electromagnitism, Radioactivity, Nuclear forces x3. Your wairua has a tohu as well: Intuition, Conscience, Spirit/ Energy. [Study these three]. Intuition is instinct, somthing you sense. In the biblical story of creation Spirit is first. The beginning of whakapapa. In your story of birds you need the mind to work your senses, but the Soul hasn't been created yet as thats where the mind embedded....tbc

    2. Nga mihi anonymous 20 April 2020.3. Assuming you know rest of story of tangata creation. Concept of [Spirit Soul Body] show beginning of whakapapa from where whanaungatanga hail from in evolutionay form. Soul in midde has one foot in spirit other in body. Soul conductor of spirit into physical, meaning, when Soul put foot into body it changes shade (Quantum Leap) becomes MIND. Your mind made up of thinking-intellect, feeling-emotion, choice-freewill. This is your "gift" dictate your differences depending upon your introversion (deepness) towards your intuition - Spirit....tbc

    3. Kia ora e hoa, it is very important to know that every single soul born into this physical realm is gifted, because no 2 souls are the same our experiences as well as gifts are not either.. what you are experiencing from your wairua you already know to be true.. it is our physical form that questions, doubts or seeks answers and validation. Your gift is unique you have the ability to connect and be guided by birds, those spirits who guide you and communicate with you through the birds, they know this about you, because your like a light house glowing in the dark in the spiritual realm. next time you find yourself in another situation like that, thank them for there beautiful messages they have to share with you, there assistance in guiding you & also observe how they behave around you, for example if you see a bird in distress and it suddenly triggers the attention of your wairua, (unusual cry or call) there is a message being displayed Infront of you (usually a form of grieving or loss will take place soon) Embrace your gift, develop a strong connection with your intuition & stand firm on what your wairua knows to be true

  25. Since the lockdown begun I am enjoying this time so very much. I find it much easier to be relaxed, nil anxiety, no stress, good kai, good feelings, simpls choices, less on call to life, with more chill out to pass my time doing most important activity - NOTHING!. I am couple years away from 70 years of age am definitely looking forward to my seventies because life is much better living than being dead. So lets look at this korero I am giving from a Tohunga perspective' not to say I am but if so okay!... to be continue

  26. ..though me lets say on my birth certificate - Full Blood Maori, I grew at coalface of pakeha culture from Hamilton to Auckland and no reo. Only language I learnt of Tainuitanga was observation. So I watched the old man, uncles, koro, they were all tohunga having some fervent belief in something unseen call Io. When some important event was on they would mix all the dried plants (only men did) for rituals, ceremonies whether that be for sickness, evil...was thing to watch...tbc

  27. school OMG!, simple maths english great but everything else was>¿》☆•°•. When I was asked a question? NO Answer. That's how life was till age 50yr and now 68yrs.

    Models of identity are numerous based on astute iwi leaders forge academics follow. As for me, I follow biblical model of identity based on Spirit, Soul, Body. Interesting we say (Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa). Show power of figure three, sung in waiata E Toru Nga Mea, or in the Ratana karakia:Matua, Tama, Wairua Tapu.

    I had to find the whakapapa to this origin and found it looking up: Matua kore Io, Ranginui, Papatuanuku. These three godheads are the beginning of Whakapapa, from where Whanaungatanga come from in evolutionary form...tbc

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Control the mind in Covet-19.

    Once you know the whakapapa of your true identity, targeting of your mind focus and health is effected better over toxic thoughts.

    ..make the mind feel feaky but somehow it is bearable (say karakia to this atua hine hinengaro) out of the confusion, stars in your universe lights up the mind, give mihi to side you never knew existed- Tihei Mauri Ora

  30. Matua Kore. Matua Tangata Cov-19. 01.05.20. Manukau. Tamaki.

    I'm so loving this social distancing, isolation, remote being. The world finally calibrated to a default tohu suited for all the atua inside of me: intuition, instinct, senses, conscience, my personal law. I can hear their korero as they light up my body like a xmas tree. I couldn't hear you before because the world pre - 27th Feb 20 was designed for those who talk a lot. Not for us remote spirits. We were called, quiet, loners. Your not allowed to be a loner ■¿●○•°>☆. Its okay! Go to the park, pub, cafe, beach, Marae alone. Be less stress, anxious, blood detoxed nice


  31. I TELL LIES. 2nd May 20.
    This is something I carried all my life. Searched pcyschology books, prayed in the church, karakia to Io matua kore under the blankets, talked to kaumatua, suffered the 1000s attack in my conscience. Then I realized I did what thousands of us remote (spirit) beings, introverts do from our first 9mths at school and onwards to life. We deny our innerworld becoming outgoing. This was not only my loss, my whanau, hapu, iwi loss, the whole NZ loss because (introverts) are the inteligentia of the nation. Creative, deep thinkers. Hangout by yourself. Go to pubs, cafe, movies, beachs. Do all this... alone.

  32. I will post the answer on the Matakite site because lotsa people need to know this.

    Thats a lot of years & energy and money gone into her education for her to end up failed and blacksheep in the family as a waste of time and the family turn their backs on her. Let alone huge failure & pressure she is experiencing. Under all this you tell me she is a nice person liked by her friends and helpfull as well.

    Well your girl a matakite and very strong as well. Show by her resoluteness and all questions I asked about her she holds while loving you through all the turmoil. You didn't know neither did she. She is a *remote being (introvert 100%) they don't like crowds.

    People like her is what Maori community need for they are the matakite her peer group need. They say things with few words to free people from traps they get into. They give you a deeper understanding of atua Maui to bring the mind chaos to order.

  33. Kia ora everyone I am reaching out this morning because I need some help after many years of experiencing voices, seeing people and flashing colour of lights around people and in the dark, visitations of my tupuna, premonitions, dreams, absolutely terrifying at first but also very meaningful now, but out of fear I have spent much of the last 10 years drinking or drugging or medicating to stop it. I am 25 now and have been in hospital most of this time. I feel very deep pain that is not my own and I've never been taught how to use it. These gifts run in my whanau strongly but I don't have anyone to trust or to help me. Many angels and people came to me last night and encouraged me to reach out actually for the last 3 nights and I haven't slept at all. I am not on drugs, everyone in my family blocks it and wont talk about it :( Arohanui xx

  34. Kia ora, you ask a simple question to a answer that has mult dimensions beyond what you could ever imagine in your situation today. But I am going to give you my whākaro as I imagine other wairua intellectuals may do regarding your karanga as well.

    First of all you will never stop it. Matakite insights does not care what your disposition today is in the ocean of Ranginui universe. I have been to tangi after tangi after matakite gone.. hau.

    So now you commit yourself to study. Stop listening to everything that's fucked you up and start listening to your spiritual being> intuition, instinct, sense, conscience... go on

  35. In atua of wairua is a internal guide to meaning that places your introvert on a border of inactivity (where lot of Iwi are stuck in) and transformation (Iwi don't move to). In other word interpret the spiritual into the physical. It is up to you to maintain your matakite by updating in the face of constant change to survive or be inactive like T A N G I. You need KAHA. Face the journey from Moana Nui A Kiwa to Aotearoa or I will throw you off

  36. Not here, I have a higher respect for a partner sexuality and bodily nature that produces immense pleasure. Knowing gives incredible benefits healthwise. Also, having confidence in who you are as spirit soul body is a better outcome of where you been for where you going

  37. Climate and covete. Cure the planet first

  38. I am 58 male and Matakite Maori and have only recently fully acknowledged who I really am. Feeling like a adult
    Baby or more like a infant making new steps as spiritual being..

  39. Ata Marie - Whetumarama Tuhua, Genesis 1:1-3 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
    And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

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