
Monday, 3 October 2011



This greeting in the language of my Maori Ancestors has many layers of meaning. You will hear it all over the world when Maori are simply saying "Hi" or "Hello there". A deeper meaning is derived from Kia-ORA, that is to say "Be Well", or "I wish you Well" - it is an active energy exchange of the spoken word 'kia' placing 'Ora' health, healing and wellbeing into and over the person receiving the blessing.

The intonations and meaning that I love best are when a person of Mana says KI-AO-RA.  You see 'RA' is our name for the Sun, the source of our life and energy on this planet. 'Ao' can mean the World, or Light, or a Bud. 'Ki' implies movement toward, or from, or with. So when I say to you "Ki-Ao-Ra", I may be saying "I bless you with the Sunlight", or "I am so glad I can see you in the Daylight".

But mostly, what I am saying to YOU right now is "KI AO RA" - "I greet you - Child of the Sun". You are my brother, my sister.  Though we may look different, speak different languages, have different philosophies, yet we are each of us Children of the Sun.

KIAORA, KI AO RA, Kiaora e Hoa! 

Hi - How good to see you today, I greet you Child of the Sun. Be well my respected Friend.

Arohanui - na Whetumarama


  1. Hello. We are visiting NZ Feb 6-16 and may come to your area of the North Island. I would be interested in communicating, if you are open to it. Perhaps our paths cross in the spirit world. My email is (I have no other way to reach you, so please email me). Thank you!

  2. Oh goodness me Zoe, I only just realised your comment was here, and its Easter already! I'll post my contact points in a separate blog, and my kanohi ki te kanohi schedule as and when dates and venue are confirmed.
