
Sunday, 8 April 2012

Making Contact and Connections online

Here's a few links for those who would like to connect sometime. My daughter had been googling, youtubing, facebooking for ages before she finally got me sorted out online. My first Facebook presence was just like everybody elses - a cool way to keep up with the mokos and make a few new friends. Then I also realised it was a great way for whanau and Hapu members to reconnect - so that was basically what I used my Facebook Profile page for - friends, family and extended family.

Because I have a background in Business and Education, and an interest particularly in Spirituality, I joined a few other sites too, like Linked In, and became a member of a few Groups that my working life naturally associated me with. I'm also an Artist, originally trained in Graphic Design, so a lot of my online time was occupied with learning how to use various programs, and enthusiastically networking with fellow Artists.

For some ten years I had been slowly coming to grips with my Tohungatanga, and doing a few workshops on healing, looking after family and friends, and generally sharing the lerve! Also doing a lot of research into spirituality and religion to try and understand where my Maoritanga fitted in the bigger picture. Last year I realised that there were a whole heap of people awakening to their Maori Spiritual heritage, and I didn't want others to have to face that journey alone anymore. I opened the first Matakite Maori Group. I'll give you that link again for anybody who needs support, or who just wants to celebrate that they are Matakite. Its also open for non-Maori who are interested in Aotearoa's Indigenous Culture.

MATAKITE MAORI - Seers, Prophets & Psychics:

Well that tore things! Nek Minit we've got 15 specialist groups as offshoots of that first one, well over 2000 members, and numerous Kanohi ki te Kanohi Groups (face to face) just getting off the ground. There was no way I could service those groups 24/7, though that is pretty much what it took for a few months, so I'm really grateful for the vigorous and able help of 18 Admins, many of whom also give almost 24/7 attention to the Groups. All on a voluntary basis.

My personal Facebook page was never set to private anyway, but of course a lot more people wanted to become personal friends through our association in the Matakite Maori Groups. I've made some excellent personal friends that way, especially with those I've met Kanohi ki te Kanohi. However, as you can imagine, answering the many messages from people needing advice, counselling, or healing, as well as a regular socialise, got to be an absolutely massive job. I've done my level best to respond to all the messages that came through Facebook - but in the end its become unsustainable. Its not good for anyone to be stuck on Facebook for hours. I was really horrified when I checked a few of the sites that I use less often to find that there were messages that I hadn't been aware of from people reaching out for help months earlier. I'm so sorry that it looks like I didn't care about you. I do, and I hope you were able to find someone else to help you get through it.

There's also the difficulty of meeting people face to face, and I do get many requests to do that. Unfortunately I'm not always able to be available. You know how it is - not enough time to get to see the mokopuna's, or chill over coffee with friends. So I'm taking some steps to try and be responsive and available to more people, whether that's for healings, teaching, workshops, demonstrations. Here's a link to the first step - My Tohunga Facebook Page.


Its only new, but at least if you catch up with me there you'll be spared my political shares and games feeds. Did you know that Games is a really cool way to chillout when you're in the middle of a whole heap of online writing, and a good way to make friends too. But its a nuisance for all those people who just want 'inspirational' posts on their newsfeeds and who can't be bothered with sharing pigs and nails and stuff! And yes - Tohunga are human too, we eat, we laugh, we sing, we cry, we get mad, and we're far from infallible!

I'm not real keen on being parked up on a pedestal - certainly the work is deserving of respect, but I'm not in a Tapu state all the time. Sometimes, yes, because that's what it takes to heal or karakia effectively. But to do work online is about engaging tinana (physical presence), hinengaro (intellect and emotions), and less often wairua (spirit). As a matter of fact being at that level of vibration tends to blow out electronics. It always gives me a good chuckle when somebody complains that they wrote a whole lot of stuff, then couldn't post it, or their pc played up, or Facebook glitched. Wairua interferes with electronics. If its tapu you're not supposed to be posting it on a public forum!

I'll post my e-mail link when I'm ready to post out newsletters letting everyone know how you can get to see me for healing or workshops as dates and venues are confirmed. I'll also let you know of any festivals I hear of that I think are worth supporting. Right now I'm talking with a few other Maori Healers to see if we can't co-ordinate some interviews and online workshops - so I guess its back to going cross eyed looking at platforms. But we'll get there! For the meantime, there's 15 Matakite Maori Groups for you to explore, including an Akonga Healers Group. Here's the link to that one - its a good group mentored by four senior Maori Tohunga Healers, and members are at all sorts of stages in their journey as healers or healees. Check it out:


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